The b.IMAGE - the Bioimaging Center for Biomaterials and Regenerative Therapies - is part of INEB, an Institute with a wide experience and international recognition in the biomaterials and biomedical imaging fields. The aim of the b.IMAGE is to advance in the development, improvement, integration and use of bioimaging solutions through research, technology development and education, in the fields of Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine. At our Center we provide high quality in vitro and in vivo imaging equipment for the biological, biomedical and bioengineering community, helping users from the experimental design and data acquisition to analysis. The b.IMAGE operates on the basis of core projects and programmes at the bioimaging/biomaterials and/or regeneration interface. The Centre is open to all academic researchers and industrial clients on a fee-for-service basis.




The Bioimaging Center was created in 2010 following a successful application to structural funds within the framework of the ON2 program (2007-2013 North Regional Operational Program; SAIECT-IEC/2/2010). The Center daily activities are supported by our technical staff and its governance assured by the Scientific and Management Committees, composed by a panel of excellent researchers from the biomedical and bioengineering fields.

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